Marzahn School
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Dear Parents!

If you have a child of pre-school age and are looking for an outstanding school with passionate teachers, an innovative concept and a pleasant learning atmosphere, you are very welcome to the Open Day at the International Lomonossow Schools.

International Lomonossow School Tiergarten
Tuesday, 24. September 2024, 17.00
Genthiner Str. 20, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

International Lomonossow School Marzahn
Wednesday, 25. September 2024, 17.00
Brebacher Weg 15, Haus 17, 12683 Berlin-Biesdorf

International Lomonossow School Marzahn (Campus)
Thursday, 26. September 2024, 17.00
Allee der Kosmonauten 123A, 12681 Berlin-Marzahn

You can visit the school facilities, get information about our school concept, meet the school staff and ask questions.

We look forward to seeing you!

Information: 030 – 20 45 21 23.


Dear Parents!

If you have a child of pre-school age and are looking for a good school with dedicated teachers, an innovative concept and a pleasant learning atmosphere, you are very welcome to the Open Day at the International Lomonossow Schools.

International Lomonossow School Marzahn (Campus)
Tuesday, 26. September 2022, 17.00
Allee der Kosmonauten 123A, 12681 Berlin-Marzahn

International Lomonossow School Marzahn
Wednesday, 27. September 2022, 17.00
Brebacher Weg 15, Haus 17, 12683 Berlin-Biesdorf

International Lomonossow School Tiergarten
Thursday, 28. September 2022, 17.00
Genthiner Str. 20, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

You can visit the school rooms, get information about the school concept, meet the school team and ask your questions. We look forward to seeing you!

Information: 030 – 20 45 21 23.

Open Day 20 – 22 September 2022

Dear Parents! If you have a child of pre-school age and are looking for a good school with dedicated teachers, an innovative concept and a pleasant learning atmosphere, you are very welcome to the Open Day at the International Lomonossow Schools. You can visit the school rooms, get information about the school concept, meet the school team and ask your questions. We look forward to seeing you! Information: 030 – 20 45 21 23.

International Lomonossow School Marzahn (Campus)
Tuesday, 20. September 2022, 17.00
Allee der Kosmonauten 123A, 12681 Berlin-Marzahn

International Lomonossow School Marzahn
Wednesday, 21. September 2022, 17.00
Brebacher Weg 15, Haus 17, 12683 Berlin-Biesdorf

International Lomonossow School Tiergarten
Thursday, 22. September 2022, 17.00
Genthiner Str. 20, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

The world through children’s eyes

Painting/Sculpture – Pupils’ work from classes 3-11, International Lomonossow School Berlin-Marzahn.
Exhibition 17 February – 22 April 2022, Krankenhauskirche im Wuhlgarten, Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin

Children’s eyes see the world from a perspective that is often hidden from adults. That is why children are probably the best and most sensitive observers. This makes it all the more exciting to explore the world “through children’s eyes”, where surprising stories can be hidden behind every corner.
The International Lomonossow School at Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin cordially invites everyone to the exhibition “The World through Children’s Eyes”.
The exhibition shows a selection of pictures and drawings, paintings, collages and unique ceramic products created in art classes under the guidance of Irina Pavlova, the art teacher, during this school year. They bring the interests, thoughts and dreams of the young artists close to the viewer, “narrate” about their school and the city of Berlin.

Opening: 17.2.2022, 15.00, Registration required: or 030 / 54 80 44 10.
Location: Krankenhauskirche in Wuhlgarten, Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin (opposite the International Lomonossow School)
Opening hours: February: daily. 14 – 16, March: daily. 14 – 17 (Registration not required)

Please follow the current Corona regulations.

Now it’s official: we’ve grown up!

This September the International Lomonosov school in Berlin-Marzahn has received the recognition of its upper secondary school (Abitur) level from the Berlin Senate. Two years ago, in 2019/2020 we got the official permission of the Senate for this school level and in 2021/2022 for the first time in the fifteen years history of the Lomonosov schools in Berlin we have grade 13 of the higher, gymnasia school level in Germany.

A brief flashback: the Lomonosov school in Berlin opened in 2006 as a German-Russian primary schools for 10 first-graders, with two teachers and one tutor. Today we have three outstanding school buildings in Berlin, around 580 pupils and 100 teachers, all the three school levels: primary, lower secondary and upper secondary.

Why is this a great and important achievement for the Lomonosov school and a reason to be proud of ourselves? The school with its pupils and their parents, teachers and educators, the principal Liliya Ter-Zakharyan and the coordinator Dr. Alexander Ott has “matured” in every sense up to the 13th grade! With the Senate recognition of the upper secondary school level, our school in Marzahn is officially entitled to conduct the Abitur graduation examination and issue the Abitur school-leaving certificate.

What was required of the school in order for the Berlin Senate to officially recognize its upper secondary school level? Firstly, the existence of the graduation class. Secondly, a certain level of pupils’ performance. Thirdly, the school is to meet the high state requirements for teacher qualifications and experience. Fourthly, the approved educational concept.

Congratulations to everyone involved! Fingers crossed for the pupils of grade 13, wishing them a successful graduation school year and… the highest score in their Abitur certificates!

Open Day 21 – 23 September 2021

Dear Parents! If you have a child of pre-school age and are looking for a good school with dedicated teachers, an innovative concept and a pleasant learning atmosphere, you are very welcome to the Open Day at the International Lomonossow Schools. You can visit the school rooms, get information about the school concept, meet the school team and ask your questions. We look forward to seeing you! Information: 030 – 20 45 21 23.

International Lomonossow School Marzahn (Campus)
Tuesday, 21. September 2021, 17.00
Allee der Kosmonauten 123A, 12681 Berlin-Marzahn

International Lomonossow School Tiergarten
Wednesday, 22. September 2021, 17.00 Uhr
Genthiner Str. 20, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

International Lomonossow School Marzahn
Thursday, 23. September 2021, 17.00
Brebacher Weg 15, Haus 17, 12683 Berlin-Biesdorf

The winners!

More than 500 schools across the country – including the International Lomonossow School – took part in the Heureka student competition in November 2019 with a focus on human and nature. In addition to the school evaluation, there was also an evaluation at the regional and national level.

Congratulations to Michael König (Schule Tiergarten) with second place in grade 7 in the Berlin region ranking and Daniel Knazev (Schule Marzahn) who came second among all Berlin eighth graders. Congratulations!


A great news right on the start of the new year 2020: The International Lomonossow School is among the TOP TEN schools in Germany according to the results of the ‘Pangea’ mathematics competition in 2019. Thus, the school has not only repeated, but even beaten its own result of 2017.

The ‘Pangea’ mathematics competition combines the joy of mental exercises with logical thinking and calculation skills. Pupils of the International Lomonosov school from the 3rd to 10th grade take part in the competition regularly and always achieve great results. Go on!

School Bridges

Dear Parents,
The Förderverein has taken the great opportunity to register our school for the international youth education and youth encounter project SchulBrücken (organised by the German National Foundation).

“Several times a year, the German National Foundation offers nearly 50 students in the upper grades, aged between 17 and 19, from many European countries and always from France, Poland and Germany the opportunity to learn together for seven days. The idea behind this is that national identity and its future cannot be defined without Europe. The commonalities of European nations can only be discovered through comparison and direct encounter – this must begin at school. The pupils understand Europe and its history better, discuss its future, meet each other, develop understanding for each other, work together on difficult tasks, make friends in the process and often stay in contact for a long time beyond the bridge.” More info:

Our school has been selected for the project and is now looking for interested students aged 15 and older to participate. The first participation period for our school is from 2-10 March in Greifswald, the second from 16-24 March in Naumburg (Saale) with 8 students each. The young people can expect an exciting programme with lots of cooperation in discussions and workshops as well as various other events (such as an excursion to Stralsund, etc.).
The own contribution for the participation is 100,00 € per pupil. The remaining costs for food, transport and accommodation will be covered by the National Foundation.

The information event on the project School Bridges will take place on 31.01.2023 – 19.00 via Zoom (for groups 1st half-year). Click here to register:

Participating in the project is a good opportunity for the students to network with young people from other European countries and Germany and to build good bridges for the future and further cooperation.
With kind regards

Your Friends of the Lomonossow School Marzahn e.V.